Tuesday, December 2, 2008

You Know You Are Skinny When...

you are 4 years old and you still can't hold up a pair of 18 month jeans!

Having too much fun to worry about her future life as a plumber!


FinsUp said...

THAT is a million dollar picture! Get thee to a photo contest with that one!

Kiy said...

Oh, I'm with Fins on this one. Also, make sure you have a nice 8x10 ready ... for the dating years!

Love it, Kiy

Anonymous said...

OMG, too sweet for words! Thanks for the smile!

Mama Darling said...


Rachel said...

Too funny! Keep that one for the rehearsal dinner.

Thank you for your sweet comment last week in the midst of my move. I think I knew you lived in VA - where do you live? While I am happy to be back in our old community, I certainly miss the mild VA weather!
